Thanksgiving Assembly

Eli Hurwitz gives their speech during Thanksgiving Assembly

Eli Hurwitz gives their speech during Thanksgiving Assembly

An annual speech on the last day of school before Thanksgiving is a tradition that has lasted longer at Burroughs than any of us have. Mr. Abbott noted in a brief history of the Thanksgiving assembly that decades prior, Burroughs would ask outside speakers spanning from local religious leaders to motivational speakers to address the school each year on the special day.

In the past decade or so however, students pitched the idea that the speaker should instead come from the Burroughs community. This was a notion that the school eagerly supported, and from then on every member of the senior class has been asked a simple question in regard to Thanksgiving assembly: “Who would you most like to hear from?”

The Tuesday morning of Thanksgiving week tends to be a rough one for Burroughs students. It begins with the standard early wake up, the last one before the long break. The difference this time is that it’s “dress up day,” meaning you can’t throw on the comfortable hoodie and sweatpants that are a staple in the Burroughs wardrobe. Right before a five-day break and with finals season looming, tests, quizzes and essays are very common.

When the first bell rings, distressed students trudge into Haertter Hall with their stapled study guides in one hand and half-finished Starbucks in the other.  When they look up and notice a student sitting in a black chair next to the podium, they suddenly remember: Thanksgiving assembly has arrived.

The idea that people should be gracious and appreciate those that care about them in their life is an idea that everyone can get behind. Thanksgiving is an inclusive holiday, and Thanksgiving assembly is a perfect example of that. Many of the speeches given by the students tend be centered around acknowledging your peers and holding yourself to a high standard in terms of respect and kindness.

Last year, for example, Claire Hoffman (’16) gave a motivational speech about perseverance in the face of life’s obstacles, based on her personal experience with paralysis. Henry Edmonds ‘19 said, “I’m definitely going to remember Claire Hoffman’s speech after I graduate. She was so considerate and encouraging of what others had to deal with, and I took to heart when she said that her problems are no bigger than anyone else’s.  It was impressive to hear her say that.”

This year, Eli Hurwitz (’19) addressed the school about the simple things that their mother does for them that they love, and that gratitude for the little things in life should be stressed just as much as anything else, because the little acts of kindness and love can get you through some of your hardest times. John Cordia (’22) remembered the speech with admiration: “I’ve never experienced something like that assembly before,” he said. “There wasn’t any straightforward announcement that the speaker had to make, but it was coming from the heart. It made me think about my mom, and how I owe her a thank you and a hug.”

Thanksgiving assembly is a perfect reminder to the student body about what Thanksgiving is all about. Amid the constant hustle with schoolwork and commitments, we can easily neglect the love we receive from everyone around us. Nonetheless, on at least one day of the year, one of us will stand at the podium and remind the rest of us what is actually important in life.